
“In a galaxy far far away,the Force Awakens”

Published: The Oriole Newspaper–Vol. 15- Issue-4

Feb Star Wars JPEG.jpg

About: This was my first feature/news piece that I published this year. Looking back, I would have done a lot different with this. With this article it was kinda a news and also a feature. Looking back this is something that really shows where I started in my career and I think it is very cool to see the improvements I have made.

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“Smitten with  choices”

Awards: First Place- Alternative Story Form

Published: The Oriole Newspaper–Vol. 15- Issue-5

College Feature March 3 JPEG.jpg

About: This was my first alternative story form and it is a piece that I was very proud of. Madde and I worked very hard and I believe we came out with a very nice, clean and colorful article.

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“Battle of the phones”

Published: The Oriole Newspaper–Vol. 15- Issue-5

Battle of Phones March 31 JPEG

About: This was a fun article for me to write. This phone article was great because it was something that I talk about a lot and I have some very strong opinions on. It was very difficult though to not bring those into this.

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“Run,run as fast as you can”

Awards: Second Place- Alternative Story Form

Published: The Oriole Newspaper–Vol. 15- Issue-6

Running Article May 5 copy.jpg

About: This was my best layout I had this year. This article started with a simple blue background and then then mitten. Then flags were added, color, a better background and fun headline. This was a fun piece that was a simple read for people. It helped show me more about some of my friends who run.

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2016-2017 year

“Ways to Praise”

Published: The Oriole Newspaper–Vol. 16- Issue-7

6-7 Center Spread december.jpg

 About: This was my third centerspread that I have been a part of since I have been on staff. This was actually a really simple centerspread becaue of how we just took the background picture. This article was by far the easiest centerspread that I have done and I am proud of how I wrote this and another big article.

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“Mapping out summer fun”

Published: The Oriole Newspaper–Vol. 16- Issue-8

15 mapping hot spots

 About: This article was one of my favorite pieces this year, and also one of my hardest to deal with. I originally had a much larger plan for this idea that would have gone on the centerspread. But when another idea for a centerspread came up that was more fitting, this article was moved to one page. I strived to make this article the best it could be for the one page, and was still able to keep the concept I originally had.

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2016-2017 year

“Star Wars: The Last Jedi”

Published: The Oriole Newspaper–Vol. 17- Issue-3

CROPPED-Star Wars The Last Jedi

 About: This is one of my favorite articles that I have written in my Pub career. Luke H. and I have always talked about making a giant Star Wars article, but we never believed that it would actually come to fruition. When we found we actually were getting the chance we were ecstatic. The layout went through a lot of changes but it really ended beautifully and I love the way it turned out. I think this article really shows what I have learned to do with InDesign throughout my three years.

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“Poverty and Homelessness”

Published: The Oriole Newspaper–Vol. 17- Issue-46 7 centerspread

 About: This was a very interesting article to do. When Emily and I started it was in very very rough shape. Eventually we came up with some cool ideas and a really cool color scheme. This information that we had really flowed through the article and it felt like it all meshed veyr well. I think it was a fun piece that also hits very hard because of the content in it.

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Published: The Oriole Newspaper–Vol. 17- Issue-5

1 Cover Mental

 About: This was my first cover of the year and it was very rough. I originally had a really cool idea that went with the handbook and everything but eventually the article i was connecting to was changed to the one about mental health so I had to change. It was very hard for me to adapt because I had been set for so long on the one idea and it took me forever to think of something else. But in the end it turned out ok.

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Published: The Oriole Newspaper–Vol. 17- Issue-7

1 Cover

 About: This was one of my favorite things that I did all year. I had this idea for a long time and eventually the perfect time to use it presented itself. I just love how I was able to capture the expressions of both Nathan and Mr. Powell. I think that it was a very fun cover than was the start of a very fun issue of our paper.

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“College Prep 101”

Published: The Oriole Newspaper–Vol. 17- Issue-7

*Article file size is over the max size to open in photoshop and place here. See article link below “About” section.

 About: This was a very good closure article for Luke H. and I. With both of us going of to college it seemed fitting that we write an article going to college. It was pretty hard at the beginning because we were both very busy towards the end of the year so it seemed like progress came very slowly, but eventually it turned out the way it ended up and I really liked it. I think that the information that we got towards the end really helped ifnalize all of our info.

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